ADOPT: To expand, enrich, grow. A blessing.
APPERCEPTION: Process by which new experience is assimilated to and transformed by the residuum of past experience of an individual to form a new whole. Descartesian creation.
ASCETIC: Lifestyle characterized by abstinence from various sorts of worldly pleasures with aim of pursuing spiritual goals.
BASE: Resoundingly simple, unseasoned, bland. That which a thing stands upon or rests. Fundamental principle.
BRIDGE: A connection between two things impossibly separated from the other, thereby connecting them. The closing of a gap. A plan of escape.
CAUSAL: System where the output depends on the; past, and present, but not future, input. Relationship between cause and effect.
CHTHONIC: In, under, or beneath the earth. Earthy deities or spirits of the underworld.
CORPOREAL: Of a material nature, tangible. Relating to body as opposed to spirit. Undead.
DAEMON: Good or benevolent nature spirits. Supernatural beings of some nature between gods and humans.
DIDACTIC: To teach, intend to instruct, convey information. Educate can be for entertainment and pleasure as well as edification.
DISPARATE: Unrelated, essentially different in kind. So unlike as no basis for comparison.
EPHEMERAL: Lasting a very short time, transitory.
ETERNAL: Infinite duration, perpetual, existing at all times. Simultaneous.
EVOLVE: To develop or achieve gradually. Doing gods work.
FACILE: With ease.
FASHION: The past, the illusion of dreams. Fashion ruined Fashion for me.
FLUID: A substance that continually deforms under an applied stress. A substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure. Ability to flow easily.
GOD: Refers to the concept of Ein Sof: Ein Sof is a place to which forgetting and oblivion pertain; However concerning Ein Sof there is nothing there to search or probe; nothing can be known of it for it is hidden and concealed in the mystery of nothingness.
GOLEM: Adam was the first Golem. An animated anthropomorphic being. A monster made of clay who comes to life when Truth is breathed into its breast.
HEDONISM: School of thought that believes pleasure is the only intrinsic good.
HEGEMONY: Preponderant influence or authority over another. Indirect form of imperial dominance.
HOMOEROTIC: Erotic attraction between like.
ICON: A religious work of art. Art. Image, picture or representation of the imponderable.
INTERSTITIAL: Empty space or gap between spaces full of structure or matter.
ITERATIVE: Involving repetition. Aim of approaching a devised goal, each repetition is its own iteration. The results of one iteration are used as the starting point for the next iteration.
JARGON: A confused, unintelligible language. A hybrid dialect or language simplified in vocabulary and pertaining to its specific group of understanding.
JASPER: Spotted or speckled stone. Traditional birthstone for March. Favorite gem of the ancient world.
JUXTAPOSE: To place together closely such that the disparity between the two becomes exponentially larger ad infinitum. Creating contrasting effect by the placement of each disparate object, a difference that is known as the result of its juxtaposition to another.
KEY: That which opens.
KINESIA: Condition caused by erratic or rhythmic motions in any combination of directions, exemplified by nausea, vertigo, and headache. Disagreement between visually perceived movement, and vestibular system’s sense of movement. Revelation of a Spiritual Truth.
KINETIC: Pertaining to motion. Energized due to an objects natural movement and motion result. The energy of an object due to its motion.
LACONIC: Brief, succinct. Involving a minimum of words, concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious.
LATITUDE: Freedom from restriction. Angular distance of a celestial body.
LINEAR: Pertaining to or represented by lines. Having only one dimension.
MACHINATION: Crafty action or design toward a specific end result, the result of which can only be achieved through the specific method employed by the machinator. A Design towards an end more interesting than the end achieved.
MEDIEVAL: Unenlightened. A construct rooted in pre-Renaissance dogma and design, and relating to an alchemical lost art or process. Of castles, wizardry, and alchemy. Barefoot.
METEMPSYCHOSIS: The transmigration of the soul.
NEUTRAL: Free from sides.
NOMINAL: Existing or being something in name or form only. Trifling, insignificant, base.
NUANCE: A subtle shaded meaning or indicator, which in turn almost indicates nothing but the nuance implied. More interesting than the referred. Indicating a sophistication of subtlety, Sandra Bernhard.
OEUVRE: The expressed explicit average of a totality specifically in art, the outstanding sum of the body of evidence of a total work.
OMNI: Combining form.
OSMOSIS: Process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas.
PARADOX: A statement or proposition that seems self contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Thomas Jones.
PATCHOULI: Plant: the scent of which opens doors to magic, unimpeded perception, and elevated sensual awareness of past, present, and future, simultaneously.
POPPY: Flower; harbinger of dreams, the activator of unconscious creativity. Sleep. Unconsciousness.
QUANTUM: The smallest possible unit of any physical property such as energy or matter. Nature and behavior of matter on the atomic and subatomic levels.
QUILT: To weave. A construction of smaller parts into a unified whole larger than the individual sum of parts, but inexistant without said parts.
QUOTIDIAN: Belonging to each day, commonplace, ordinary. Base.
REDUSE: The process by which the smallest consolidation from the largest still retains its entirety expressed.
ROAD: Sign indicating life, passage of time, and the space in its use. Existing in past, present, and future.
ROPE: A base tool without which nothing else technical or technological could be constructed or utilized. The most base and explicit technological invention.
SANDALWOOD: The scent-ual effleurage of an angel, recognition of which draws it closer.
SINGULARITY: An unlimited dense point without any volume. A quantity which approaches infinity as another parameter goes to zero.
SYNCHRONICITY: Simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but having no discerning causal connection.
TANGENTIAL: Diverting from a previous course in line.
TRANSIENT: Short lived, passing quickly into and out of a locale, temporary.
ULTIMATE: Being or happening at end of a process, final.
UNIVERSAL: Worldwide. Known, recognized and understood by All.
URBANE: Suave, courteous, civil.
VANGUARD: Leading position.
VISCOUS: Thick, sticky consistency.
WARP: Pervert. Twist meaning of. Change. The juxtaposition of itself into another is to warp.
WONDER: To be filed with awe.
WROTE: By implicit repetition, and capability, expressed in action.
X: The spot. The end, or indication of locale.
XX: Deceased.
XXX: Pertaining to or of a pornographic nature. Poison, and/or alcohol in a child’s reference.
YARD: A measurement of distance as defined by 36 inches.
YELLOW: A representation of sensual power.
YOUNG: Untested.
ZEALOT: Radical, fanatical, specifically towards a religious or spiritual idea and movement.
ZENITH: The highest point reached by a celestial or other object. The Acme. Absolute end or final, expressed to the Nth degree.
ZODIAC: The signs, symbols of individuation within each sign; of the Heavens.