About Me

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Michael seeks to create works that reflect his struggles with the world he finds himself living in, and the commonalities that we all share in this. Desire, Defeat, Acceptance, Judgment, Love, Fear, Time, and Space. Michael's studio is downtown Los Angeles in the Spring Arts Tower. "Happiness is that funny little place halfway between fantasy and reality." -me

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Missing Painting?

So, in my office at The Ahmanson Theatre I have some of my paintings hanging on the walls. Yesterday when I went to work one of the paintings was missing. I was in a slight panic thinking it has been stolen. My friend and co-worker Ann found it behind the support beam, behind the door as it is when the door is propped open. I was baffled. I am the only one who has a key. Well, actually security has a key, but to be honest they have no idea which key it is. The lock was put in special when they built my office. The few times I have left my keys at home or in my car and asked security to open it, several minutes of fumbling and hunting for which one fits made me realize that no one would ever go in there. Note...this means the cleaning staff never goes in either, which means I have been cleaning my own office for the last year (gratefully, not a complaint). Said painting is hung on the wall to the right of my HD monitor, behind a sculpture and two other small paintings that lean against it. In order for this painting to "fall down" all this other stuff would need to have fallen also. When I opened my door last night I saw right away that the sculpture, one of my "Delicate Balance" sculptures was on its side. I made the Delicate Balance scupltures after 9-11 as a reminder of just that. We all reside in a very delicate balance. I have most of them at my studio, up on shelves. I call them my earthquake detectors. They are figures that stand on a precarious balance. They have never toppled even when we had a 4.9-something earthquake...I also noticed that the two paintings that lean against it were more forward than normal, but I didn't notice the big painting that was gone from the wall, until a few minutes later when I was like "what's missing here?" "OMG where is the black and white Shell Reversal painting?" One of my dressers asked if it was one of my 9-11 paintings. When I confirmed it was, she said she felt it had to do with the truth of 9-11 being revealed...hopefully. Then Ann found the painting behind the post, behind the door. I put the painting in a new place on another shelf, this time not hanging it.
I work with a lot of very special souls. Psychic, healers, yoga instructors, astrologers...all on the cosmic wavelength.
It can be tricky working with such aware souls. Sometimes it brings in so many unseen energy/souls/time jumps that we have to constantly check in with each other. "Where are you, did you get that?"
I like living in the realm of magic, possibility, spirituality...it reminds me of the special place we inhabit. It is so brief, and it also lasts forever.
I don't know why my painting was in another place. Science so easily removes the magic, all inexplainable things can be explained away because the mind doesn't want to live in a place of unknown. But it is all unknown. For me 9-11 remains a reminder of the beginning of the our last chance to understand: You can't chase money. People, their lives, their connections are all that matter. It was the World Trade Center after all. Occupy Wall Street is its child. And like any child, they are here to show you where you are wrong. Your faults, your misguided and misplaced focus. Your lack of self awareness. Your lack of self love. My experience with our daughter Marlow reminds me of this daily. She is two. Terrible? No, not by a long shot. Oh, yes I joke about it, but I am taking it very seriously. She guides me to do better. Not unlike the White Spirit I encountered in our house last night who said to me, "Do good work."
It was both a statement of acknowledgement, and a command. It brings tears to my eyes to hear it in my head over and over again. It is I think the next line after "love one another."
We need to do better, we need honesty, we need to Do Good Work.

Shell Reversal Black/White
18" x 30"
Oil, Oil Stick on Cardboard

with various ephemera on shelf in front:
Sketch of Starpeople
Study for Amerika
Delicate Balance scuplture "Showgirl"

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