...Midnight, November 20. Just got home from a long day of pre-production on Next to Normal, the national tour. The sky had been full of clouds and rain all day, but as I got home the clouds parted, the Moon bloomed the night sky full, and there he was. Orion, big as your hand when held flexed straight armed and up to where he stands. I had been looking for him every night for the past two months. Who was feeling crazier, me or Diana, the character that Alice Ripley examines in Next to Normal? She sings of missing the mountains, sings of something lost and forgotten, sings of who she used to be...or maybe wasn't...or maybe of something that was just misplaced. And I finally found Orion after looking for him. What does Diana find? Reality in its' infinite wisdom reveals to us what we design, and it's timing is not coincidental. I pondered if Diana didn't create her family out of her delirium entirely...that perhaps Gabe isn't the only one missing. If you are free enough to not continually create the same reality day after day, then the possibilities are endless. If you don't carry the past around with you like a heavy emotional weight, then you are free to fly, and those memories are but part of the multidimensionality you access to recreate experience. Why I wasn't seeing Orion I don't know, but he was there. It was me that wasn't.

Schrodinger's Cat
Box, marker, (cat)
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