About Me

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Michael seeks to create works that reflect his struggles with the world he finds himself living in, and the commonalities that we all share in this. Desire, Defeat, Acceptance, Judgment, Love, Fear, Time, and Space. Michael's studio is downtown Los Angeles in the Spring Arts Tower. "Happiness is that funny little place halfway between fantasy and reality." -me

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2AM: Full Moon

It's 2AM and the Full Moon wakes
Stirring your night and lighting your way
Uncovering in your mind the things you thought you'd hidden away

A giant bird sits outside my back window
In the hovering blue moonlight it looks like a white faced owl
Huge haunting eyes
It alights silently

We stared at each other for 10 minutes before it turned midair and flew into the blue night

It is so clear, blue hours after midnight and the things in your mind race toward an eternal unconclusion. So when confronted with this giant bird at my back window I wonder of the reality of it. Her. Head bobs and turns quickly. I wonder what She sees of me through the window. Does She get a silent moonlight reflection, obscuring my image in the night or for Her is it clear? Moonlight even as bright as it is this evening can be deceiving. The light hovers playing tricks, and again I wonder of the reality of this meeting. I crack the back door as silently as this house will allow and watch Her turn towards me. Sitting on a line that runs right above this door, perhaps ten feet from me She stares. We are locked for 10 minutes. Door ajar a couple of feet and I wonder if She will come in. Trying to fix my gaze to Hers I know my eyes don't contain what Hers do and I give up and let the door slowly open all the way. I step into the moonlight with Her and She alights, turning midair silently and flies off into the night.

Detail, Pellucid
Oil on Canvas
10' x 5'

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